"Listen to your pain"
We often ignore, suppress or try to numb and distance ourselves from our pain. But something LMT Chris is always urging his clients to...
"Listen to your pain"
"Treat yourself like someone you love"
"Put your pen to paper"
"Take your breathing to an even deeper level"
"Take a deep breath"
"Take it one day at a time"
"Let routine be your friend"
"Go easy on yourself"
"Stay connected to your body"
"Don't go without H2O!"
"Chip away at Sleep Debt ... slow and steady"
"Don't lose sleep over it"
"Worry less about your Ps & Qs, more your ZZZZs instead"
"A little salt goes a long way"
"Mind your posture, foster your mind"
"Sweeten each day with a spoonful of honey"
"Add a little spice to your life"
"Don't be afraid to get dirty!"
"Go for a fist bump!"